5 Simple Steps to Digital Signage

Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments

Digital signage has become a revolution in marketing. And it is not surprising as there are few other methods of advertising that can reach such a wide audience for such little investment.

A digital signage campaign can also be done in-house with little experience required to generate the content or set up the system. Here are five steps to starting a simple digital signage campaign.

LCD Screen

Sourcing the screen should be the first step of any digital advertising campaign. Any type of flat screen device can be used for digital out of home media however there are options that are worth considering. Commercial screens are better suited to the long hours and less than perfect conditions that digital signage screens have to work in and will probably last linger than a standard off-the-shelf TV.

However, if you looking to embark on an outdoor digital signage campaign then you need to consider an outdoor screen or a LCD with higher than average brightness level to cope with the sun.

LCD Enclosure

Protecting the screen from impacts and damage is also important if you are to avoid constant down time and repair. For outdoor digital signage a waterproof LCD enclosure will ensure the device can withstand the weather but even indoor systems need protecting from impact and accidental/deliberate damage.

Media Player

A device to upload content is also required for a digital signage screen. Multiple screens can be networked together and content can be uploaded centrally. However, for simpler systems or single screens a media playing device can be installed in the LCD enclosure next to the screen which can allow content upload via USB stick.


Generating the content is perhaps the most important aspect of any digital advertising campaign. There are many things to consider and more information on developing content is readily available. However, it is important to remember to keep things simple, bold and to always remember that just because digital signage involves TV systems – that doesn’t mean people will view it like a TV.


Another highly important aspect of digital signage is the location of the screens. No matter how good he content and devices are if nobody sees them then they are worthless. Place a screen in as high a traffic area as possible and ensure the viewing angle is clearly visible by passers-by. Outdoor digital signage will probably receive a higher number of viewers so should be considered wherever possible.

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