Causes of Poor Digital Signage Campaigns
Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments
Digital signage, once a novelty used by only a few advertising companies is now a mainstream form of promotion, branding and marketing with more and more screens displaying digital signage campaigns appearing in all sorts of locations from retail stores, gas stations, bus terminals, airports and shopping malls.
And outdoor digital signage is following in the shoes of indoor systems with more and more outdoor digital signs springing up all over the place.
However, not all digital signage campaigns are successful, and as advertising screens become ubiquitous, so increases the number of unsuccessful and poor campaigns. But, where are these people going wrong? Here are the most common reasons for unsuccessful campaigns:
Broken and Turned Off Screens
A very common problem, especially with outdoor digital signage campaigns, is dead screens. A number of causes are to blame for dead screens. Overheating, shocks, vandalism, and content management system failure are by far the leading causes. Often a dead screen can be down for a long time as unlike static signage that gets replaced on site, content is often uploaded remotely so the screen owners are left unaware of the problem.
Ensure your content management system is reliable as well as ensuring your screen is protected from excessive heat, impacts and vandalism will reduce the chances of a dead screen. Often, steel LCD enclosures are installed in outdoor locations as they not only protect the screens physically, but also have internal systems to prevent overheating.
Lack of Quality
Poor quality content is another cause of unsuccessful digital signage campaigns. People sometimes assume that a simple PowerPoint presentation is all that is needed to run an advertising campaign. However, the psychology of digital signage is very complicated and requires some experience or reading-up to ensure you are providing relevant, eye-catching content.
Another common content mistake is making the content to broad and unspecific. Random promotion can make establishing a return on investment and understanding if the campaign is a success extremely difficult. By advertising single products or promotions you can establish the success of the campaign far easier by relating it to an increase in sales.
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