Key Aspects to Installing Outdoor Digital Signage

Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments

Outdoor digital signage is a fast growing industry and is proving an effective method of raising brand awareness and advertising products or services.

As it is a new technology, it is perhaps the best time to embark on a digital signage campaign, as the newness of the technology makes it more attractive and therefore effective to targeted audiences. And while this uniqueness of digital signage will probably not last forever, it currently makes digital signage even more attractive to potential users.

But ensuring you are getting the most out of a digital signage campaign will go along way to ensure you are maximising its potential and generating a return on your investment.


Location is perhaps the most important aspect of any digital signage campaign. If the screen is not visible enough it will not be anywhere near as effective so maximising its visibility is vital to get the most out of any DS campaign.

Choose a location with the most amount of traffic possible and ensure that the outdoor digital signage screen is as close to eye level as possible ensuring he content is viewed by as many people as possible.


As with any outdoor advertising hoarding, permission and relevant by-laws need to be adhered to. Ensure you are aware of permissions that have to be sought and any regulations in displaying messages on the signage screen. For instance some local regulations stipulate a minimum duration in which messages can be changed (often 8 seconds).

Weather protection

Any screen taken outdoors needs to be protected from the weather elements. Waterproofing is essential to keep out the rain but also protection from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures (both excessively hot and sub-zero).

Hardware Protection

As most outdoor digital signage screens are left unattended ensuring they are protected from deliberate or accidental impacts is also important. Vandalism and attempts at theft need to be factored into any planning of a digital signage campaign with whatever screens that are being used given enough protection to ensure they can withstand even the most determined of attackers.

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