Notice Boards for the 21st Century – Digital Signage
Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments
Communication is an essential aspect of nearly every business and institution and there are a myriad of modern tools that allow us to do so: Mobile phones, pagers, PA systems and email are used to provide important information but often when it comes to large institutions like schools, hospitals or even large factories and warehouses – these methods are not always practical – especially when there are visitors or a large turn over of people (such as in hospitals and schools).
Notice boards are still a common tool in institutions like these. There is no other way of ensuring that everybody that enters the premises is aware of the information. Notice boards are commonly used in all sorts of buildings such as:
- Hospitals
- Universities/colleges
- Factories
- Offices
- Public buildings
- Police stations
And often notice boards are erected outside buildings too and are commonly seen outside churches and town halls.
There are downsides to notice boards of course. Firstly, the information on a notice board has to be physically pinned up. When there are multiple boards this means that somebody has to travel around the building, posting up facsimiles, which takes time.
And of course, just because a noticeboard has relevant information on it – that doesn’t mean that people will see it – especially as many notice boards soon end up cluttered with older messages.
Digital signage, digital noticeboards or e-notice boards are the common names given to LCD screens used as a means of providing information. In reality, digital notice boards are just a form of digital signage and there are many advantages of using this technology over the old traditional pin board.
- Realtime information provision – crucial for emergency situations
- Convenience – Information can be uploaded centrally and distributed to all notice boards on a site
- Less clutter – older messages can be deleted and newer messages given precedents
- Aesthetics – far more attractive than conventional cluttered notice boards.
And electronic notice boards can be taken outside too – as long as they are protected. Outdoor digital signage enclosures , often called LCD enclosures, can house almost any sized screen and are ideal for protecting digital noticeboards.
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