Outdoor Digital Signage – The Future of Outdoor Advertising
Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments
As the advertising industry has become more fragmented, with sales of newspapers and magazines on the decline, audiences for TV channels greatly reduced, due in part to the rise of the internet, outdoor advertising has become one of the most effective methods of reaching large audiences. With signs on bus stops, billboards and in major thoroughfares, outdoor advertising has become a fast growing industry, and with the rise of outdoor digital signage, the industry is set to grow further.
Over the next five years, the global outdoor advertising industry is set to be worth nearly $44 billion, as more and more advertisers shift from traditional medium such as newspapers, TV and radio, and invest more heavily in outdoor digital signage.
Outdoor digital signage has grown exponentially since the first screens began displaying adverts in our towns and cities. Nearly every major town center location now has digital media displaying adverts, branding and other forms of marketing. Increasingly, outdoor advertiser are coming up with new and innovative approaches of getting people’s attention in outdoor locations, with outdoor digital signage being only the beginning of a whole new wave of interactive, dynamic and intelligent signage.
New technology is being developed all the time, with systems such as facial recognition providing advertisers with much more scope for tailored advertising and assessing the ROI of particular advertising locations and messages. Currently, even an outdoor digital display can’t provide information as to how many people have viewed the screen, but with modern facial tracking systems, actual audience views can be counted, giving advertisers some sort of feedback as to the effectiveness of advertisements.
Furthermore, with modern facial recognition technology, individuals can be tracked, their buying habits stored and advertisements tailored to their individual requirements supplied on outdoor digital signage displays, something straight out of science fiction.
As outdoor advertising continues to grow, more and more of the traditional static signs and billboards will soon be replaced with more dynamic, digital versions, a process that is already beginning with even some of the most famous advertising landmarks, such as Times Square in New York, or London’s Piccadilly Circus, now completely replaced with digital alternatives.
And it’s not just large advertising companies that are utilizing outdoor spaces with digital media. An increasing number of smaller businesses and retailers, service providers and public buildings, are installing outdoor screens as a more effective and direct way of communicating with customers and service users, with screens placed outside all sorts of facilities and buildings, from churches and colleges, to transport hubs, museums and public libraries.
With its bright, dynamic and engaging method of providing information, outdoor digital signage has an equally bright, dynamic and engaging future for outdoor advertisers and information providers alike.
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