Using Display Screens as School and College Messaging Systems
Posted by: Richard Williams | Posted on: | 0 Comments
The provision of information has always been an important aspect of running a school, college or educational facility. Communicating effectively, with staff, pupils and visitors can be difficult for educational establishments to achieve.
The difficulty for successful communication and messaging in these locations is the sheer number of people that are moving about and the sheer size of the modern educational campus.
People come and go in many college campuses with attendance at different throughout the day, rather than at a specific and universal start time, which makes getting important information across extremely difficult.
Of course, email is a common communication method too in these types of locations but the difficulty with email is that it is only effective when people log on and check there messages, and when important or emergency information has to be disseminated, emails can be extremely inadequate.
The recent Virginal Tech shootings made apparent the need for emergency messaging where latecomers to campus, not warned that a gunman was on site, walked right into the situation.
Another difficulty in communicating with students is getting them to take notice of information; emails are not always read everyday, and noticeboards struggle to attract enough attention.
Schools, colleges and universities have to circulate large amounts of, including everything from upcoming events, timetables, to lunch menus and team sports results.
Many schools, colleges and universities are deploying digital signage as a means to fill in these communication gaps, and to provide a more effective communication system for staff, students and visitors.
Both indoor displays and outdoor digital signage provide schools with an effective means if disseminating information quickly throughout the campus. Ideal for speedy delivery of messages, emergency information and because it is easily updated, content can be changed regularly when needed.
Digital signage is also more engaging, especially to students who are far more technology savvy than most adults and are used to seeing, and interacting with, display screens and other such technologies.
Also as digital signage looks modern and aesthetically pleasing, far better than traditional noticeboards, it raises the profile and appearance of the educational establishment and gives them a sense of modernity.
Digital Signage in a school
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